Dr. McCollum, VI Comissioner of Education - new Honorary Member of Rotary East

Dr. McCollum, who in her words, “hit the ground running,” spoke about forging relationships with all stakeholders who work with students. “I am all about rebuilding and establishing relationships within the Department of Education. The business community is stepping forward, offering financial support. New donors are coming on board. There is a renewed commitment on the part of all stakeholders to work together in a professional manner. Meetings with the Virgin Islands Board of Education are productive. Members of the Legislature have pledged support and meetings with the unions have been successful in creating new levels of dialogue between labor and management,” McCollum said.
Dr. McCollum also thanked mentors who provided support and guidance throughout her 30-plus years in the VI Education Department, including former Superintendents William Frett and Dr. Emily Romaine Carter, and former Governor Charles Turnbull.
Governor Kenneth Mapp said of McCollum’s appointment, “Dr. McCollum is a non-nonsense person who has exuded grade and confidence from the first day I met her. We are convinced the Education Department can move forward in a positive direction with Commissioner McCollum at the helm.”